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5 Wholistic Beauty Tips for Healthy, Happy Skin

So you’ve treated yourself to a luxurious facial serum, but now have more than a few questions…

Is using a facial serum enough for beautiful skin? How should I apply it for the best results? How long before my skin starts to reflect my inner goddess?

These questions are all perfectly valid, but beauty truly is skin deep! Having healthy skin is much more than simply purchasing a serum and praying for the best. Let’s take a look at a few of our top wholistic skin care tips so you can start rocking the skin of your dreams!

Dive in with us!


Healthy skin starts on the inside

Many people put too much emphasis on external maintenance, without paying attention to what’s going on inside their bodies. If your diet is filled with unhealthy, processed foods then your skin will manifest the turmoil of your inner environment by breaking out and appearing dull and lackluster.

Of course, certain foods, like sugar, even break down collagen and may speed up the signs of aging.

To truly start enjoying healthy skin, you need to pay as much attention to what you’re doing internally, as you do to your external ritual.

Treat your body like the temple it is by filling it up with whole, natural foods and a rainbow of fruits and veggies, brimming in skin lovin’ antioxidants. We also love nuts and seeds for their healthy fats and healthy cooking oils like coconut oil!

Hydration is key

You may have heard that slathering your skin in natural, plant-based oils is an excellent way to ward off the signs of aging while promoting a beautiful glow, and this is absolutely correct!

But keep in mind that it’s just as important to keep your insides hydrated by drinking at least 2 liters of pure, filtered water a day. This will ensure your skin cells stay hydrated and plump and your body will be better able to flush out toxins from your system.

Turn down negative self-talk

When staring at yourself in the mirror, are you being kind, or are you beating yourself up?

According to research, it’s completely normal to feel down, depressed, or anxious when you see a new zit (or two) pop up, or if your dry/red skin woes never seem to go away!

The difference between approaching yourself with love vs hate is crucial to having happy skin. It can mean the difference between moving forward in a positive light (taking action) or negative (lowered self-esteem). In fact, stress and depression due to unhappiness with the state of your skin could set you on a vicious cycle which actually exacerbates your skin issues.

It’s important to incorporate emotional and mental strengthening practices into your life if you want healthy skin. Surround yourself with people who build you up, create a meditation practice, engage yourself more in projects and hobbies you love!

Natural is your best friend

While some people focus primarily on treating their skin right on the outside, others eat a healthy diet but use conventional products full of synthetic chemicals.

Healthy skin comes down to various factors that all work together in harmony, so be sure that your products are as clean as your plate!

Ditch the conventional, chemically-laden products, that provide no real long-term skin benefits, and instead, invest in products to infuse your skin with nutrients that will commit your skin to a lifetime of good skin days!

Prep and Application is everything

It’s important to properly prep your skin before applying that beautiful serum so you can ensure optimal absorption!

Exfoliation is an excellent way to open up the pores and boost blood flow so your skin will simply drink up the goodness you apply to it!

Try combining 1 teaspoon of raw brown sugar or coconut sugar with about 2 tablespoons of avocado oil for a quick and easy at-home facial scrub!

Once your skin is smooth and ready for your serum, be sure to apply to slightly damp skin for the best absorption. Use your fingertips to gently press the oil into your skin until fully absorbed (rubbing will simply slide the product off your skin). Wear alone or follow up with a healthy mineral SPF if you’ll be spending time outdoors.

These tips will have you smooth, glowing and feeling confident to show off that beautiful face!

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