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What Do Vegans Eat For Breakfast? 3 Simple Recipes

We love sharing healthy recipes with our beautiful readers and we know the struggle of always coming up with yummy breakfast ideas.

We love a good bowl of oatmeal, but we have to admit it can get a little boring…

If you’re vegan, then the struggle becomes even more real, because most articles or youtube video ideas have egg as the superstar ingredient when you go on the hunt for a fun and new recipe to try. 

Well, we are glad you find yourself here because today we are going to share 3 of our favorite vegan breakfast options, and they are anything but boring!

Let’s dive in!



On the go: Chia pudding with fresh fruit and granola

Who says you can’t have pudding for breakfast?

This chia pudding is perfect as your first meal of the day because it’s full of healthy and super filling omega-3 fats that are excellent to boost your mood, your brain and to help reduce inflammation in your body. They also provide an instant energy burst to help you start your day right. 

You can cut this recipe down to 3 ingredients by using unsweetened vanilla nut milk instead of just a plain one. 

Add your favorite fresh fruit to really take it to the next level and some healthy granola for a delightful crunch!

See the recipe here. 

A “Naughty” Treat

From pudding to a naughty treat, breakfast is definitely starting to look up!

This breakfast is creamy, chocolatey heaven and you won’t believe it’s actually so healthy!

Okay this one is oatmeal, but have you ever heard of brownie batter chocolate overnight oats! We bet we have your attention now!

This one is full of nutrients and goodness, including those chia seeds we adore, decadent and antioxidant-rich cocoa, along with coconut yogurt for your probiotic fix and nut butter for your fatty acid and protein fix!

We love preparing breakfast the night before, it makes life so much easier in the morning!

See the recipe here.

A Leisurely morning

Sometimes you want to spend a little extra time whipping up a yummy breakfast and you can’t go wrong with avocado toast, but this one is an upgrade to what you’re used to!

Creamy, delicious avocado is brimming in healthy fats and vitamins and nutrients, including fiber, potassium and Vitamin E.

Chickpeas are what makes this meal and they don’t only add a hearty punch, they are also chock-full of protein and will keep you full for ages!

Sun-dried tomatoes and pea shoots add that little extra something, but are totally optional! You could also top this toast with hemp seeds, basil, cilantro or freshly sautéed cherry tomatoes!

See the recipe here.

We hope you enjoy these meals as much as we do! Your body deserves nourishing, clean meals to help you feel good all day!

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1 comment

  • Wonderful post! Thank you for always posting new and exciting ideas and insights!


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